Spanish And Portuguese

Average pay by title, 2015

Category Avg. salary in Spanish and Portuguese
Professor $111,687.17
Associate Professor $93,754.33
Assistant Professor $78,033.33
Lecturer $46,907.00

All Spanish And Portuguese faculty

Name Rank Salary (2015)
Azevedo, Milton Professor $99,275.00
Barili, Amelia Lecturer $47,774.00
Bergmann, Emilie Professor $116,342.00
Brizuela, Natalia Associate Professor $70,234.00
Davidson, Justin Assistant Professor $90,742.00
Del Valle, Ivonne Associate Professor $93,683.00
Dominguez, Daylet Assistant Professor $71,233.00
Donovan, Clelia Lecturer $82,799.00
Dougherty, Dru Professor $14,500.00
Iarocci, Michael Professor $122,839.00
Mcfarland, Teresa Lecturer $44,855.00
Menendez-Alvarez, David Lecturer $6,631.00
Navarrete, Ignacio Professor $134,392.00
Olsen, Elena Lecturer $49,427.00
Robertson, Victoria Lecturer $65,991.00
Saum Pascual, Alexandra Assistant Professor $72,125.00
Slater, Candace Professor $182,775.00
Southard, Donna Lecturer $52,580.00
Tarica, Estelle Associate Professor $117,346.00
Varela, Tanya Lecturer $25,199.00